[Nickle]Union values

Carl Worth nickle@nickle.org
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 22:18:25 +0000

On Jul 26, Keith Packard wrote:
 > What could be legal is:
 > 	(u) { i = 10 }

That's not bad. I'd take that even though it does require a couple of
extra characters.

 > > It seems potentially confusing to have a "switch" that falls through
 > > and a "union switch" that does not.
 > Union switch *does* fall through, but it's an error to fall into a case
 > block which has a local value for the case variable:

Yes, sorry -- I was typing too fast and thinking too slow with this
one. With a compile time error as you described I have no objections.


Carl Worth                                        
USC Information Sciences Institute                 cworth@east.isi.edu
3811 N. Fairfax Dr. #200, Arlington VA 22203		  703-812-3725