[Fontconfig] fontconfig 2.1.91

Adam Sampson fontconfig@fontconfig.org
05 Mar 2003 01:05:16 +0000

fontconfig@fontconfig.org (Keith Packard) writes:

> We've got bitmaps for 'Times' and Helvetica as well as Fixed and when apps 
> ask for these by name, they get them.  And they're quite ugly.

They're not that bad, particularly when compared to the versions
rendered from the URW outline fonts.

I'm currently doing this sort of thing in my .fonts.conf to use the
bitmap versions for non-antialiased text and the freefont outline
equivalents for antialiased text when "Times" is specified:

        <test name="family"><string>Times</string></test>
        <test name="antialias"><bool>true</bool></test>
        <edit name="family" binding="strong">

Adam Sampson <azz@gnu.org>                  <URL:http://azz.us-lot.org/>