[Nickle] Re: Nickle in (x)emacs

Barton C Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Sat Sep 24 17:19:52 PDT 2005

I drafted this about a year ago.  No idea why it's still in
my outbox.  Anyway...

I have an emacs Nickle mode: it's based on a hacked-up
version of the mode for c-like languages.  Right now, I have
no idea whether it will do syntax highlighting, although I
would guess it will.  I also hate to make it public since
it's such a hack...but since you asked :-)...  Attached.


In message <Pine.GSO.4.58.0411101409100.23148 at menkib.cs.pdx.edu> you wrote:
> 	A user can get syntax highlighting for some languages.  How can
> (x)emacs to highlight nickle?
> Gentlemen . . . Behold!

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