[Nickle] Re: Nickle Digest, Vol 13, Issue 3

Eric Anholt eta at lclark.edu
Sat Sep 18 12:16:48 PDT 2004

On Sat, 2004-09-18 at 09:00, James LaMar wrote:
> > I can't reproduce this on FreeBSD 5-2-CURRENT.  If I can get at your 
> > machine, I should be able to find and fix the problem.  How can we make 
> > this work?
> > 
> > -keith
> > 
> Since 5.2-CURRENT is actually more recent than 5.3, I wouldn't worry
> about these bus errors too much.  I hosed my FreeBSD install,
> unfortunately, and haven't been able to recreate the problem since.

No, it isn't.  5.2-CURRENT is older than 5.3-BETA (all that could be
run, since -RC/-RELEASE hasn't happened), since once the 5.3 branch is
created head goes to either 5.3-CURRENT or 6.0-CURRENT.  In this case it
was 6.0-CURRENT.

The particular system Keith used was 5.2-CURRENT as of June 18th.

Eric Anholt                                eta at lclark.edu          
http://people.freebsd.org/~anholt/         anholt at FreeBSD.org

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