[Nickle] Funny situation

Bart Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Sat Jun 28 01:55:52 PDT 2003

What am I doing wrong here?  Or is this a Nickle bug?
Consider this little class:

  namespace List {

      public typedef list;
      typedef union {
	  struct {
	      poly first;
	      list rest;
	  } cell;
	  void nil;
      } elem;
      public typedef &elem list;

      public list cons(poly v, list l) {
	  elem n = { cell = { first = v, rest = &l } };
	  return &n;

      public poly car(list l) {
	  return l.cell.first;

      public list cdr(list l) {
	  return &l.cell.rest;

      public bool null(list l) {
	  union switch(l) {
	  case cell c:
	      return false;
	  case nil:
	      return true;

      elem nilcell = { nil = <> };
      public list empty = &nilcell;

Now if I try

  list l = empty;

I get an error: also for any variant I can think of.
Of course

  list l;
  &l = &empty;

works, but uggh.  Comments?


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