[Nickle] sort of a bug
Bart Massey
Fri, 14 Feb 2003 16:42:38 -0800
This is a bug, darnit :-).
First, Nickle evaluates from left to right: you've gone to a
lot of trouble to make this happen. Why should operator
order be any different? (BTW, is right-to-left
associativity a part of the C standard, or just standard in
implementations? I need to purchase or steal a copy of the
C90 spec someday...)
Second, s far as making the precedence of making postfix !
different precedence from prefix !, it should just require a
%prec declaration, no?
But this precedence change doesn't really fix the problem:
in Nickle ~x++ will still be handled the same way as in C,
which is arguably a bug because darnit, it should be
left-to-right. Perhaps the right answer is to make ++ and
-- have higher precedence than other unary operators in
Nickle. The current equal precedence is arguably a defect
in C, since the implicit parens will either continue to do
the same thing or detect a conceptual bug.
In message <E18jm2n-0001Hc-00@localhost> you wrote:
> Around 19 o'clock on Feb 14, "Ireland Peddlar" wrote:
> > Factorial is binding tighter than the preinrement operator.
> > ++x! is parsed as ++(x!) and dies.
> Hmm. C has a single level of precedence for unary operators and groups
> them from right to left. You'll get the same error from the C compiler
> with:
> int foo (int x) { return --x++; }
> Because of the right to left binding, any postfix unary operators with the
> are effectively given higher precedence than prefix unary operators with
> the same specified precedence.
> There's a problem here though; the grammar does operator precedence based
> on the operator tokens in the input stream. So, I can't change the
> precedence of the factorial operator without also changing the precedence
> of the boolean negation opertor as they share the same token.
> I think that means we're stuck with this precedence inversion; I don't
> want to gratuitously differ from C in such a subtle way.
> -keith
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