[Nickle]Scoping rules for declarations

Jamey Sharp nickle@keithp.com
31 Jan 2002 00:10:33 -0800

On Wed, 2002-01-30 at 23:32, Keith Packard wrote:
> ... the function type in the definition may be a
> subtype of the original declaration type.  This permits
> 	int function foo (int x);
> 	int function foo (real x) { return floor (x); }
> This makes sense if you think of this as just an assignment statement
> with different syntax.

Cool, it looks like you made the return type do the right thing too:

> real function baz (int x);
> real function bar () { return baz(37); }
> int function baz (int x) { return x + 5; }
> bar()

Except I don't know nickle well enough to check the return type of baz.
Will there be a type promotion in either of these functions? I'm
Jamey Sharp <jamey@sharp.ath.cx> - http://jamey.is.dreaming.org/