[Nickle]networking committed

jamey@sharpone.dyndns.org jamey@sharpone.dyndns.org
Sat, 28 Jul 2001 17:35:36 -0700 (PDT)

Hi, all...

I've committed a basic set of networking builtins to the Nickle CVS
repository. Testing, suggestions, and complaints are appreciated.

The basic BSD sockets stuff is in there:
file function Sockets::create (Sockets::{SOCK_STREAM,SOCK_DGRAM});
void function Sockets::connect (file s, String host, String port);
void function Sockets::bind (file s, String host, String port);
void function Sockets::listen (file s, int backlog);
file function Sockets::accept (file s);
void function Sockets::shutdown (file s, Sockets::{SHUT_RD,SHUT_WR,SHUT_RDWR});

Also included are
use as the second parameter to connect or bind.

Don't expect useful error messages yet. I don't actually know what I'm
doing. :P
Jamey Sharp <sharp.one@bigfoot.com> - http://jamey.is.dreaming.org/