[Nickle]builtins; debianization
Fri, 27 Jul 2001 03:11:47 -0700 (PDT)
Hi, all! This is my first post to this list. Yay.
So, I'm the idiot who broke the build when I committed the split version
of the built-ins yesterday. Sorry for botching that, Bart, and thanks
for fixing it.
Today I've committed a new "debian" directory with my first try at
debianizing nickle. I didn't touch anything in the rest of the
repository so this time it shouldn't break anything. :) If you don't
want to mess with building a package yourself, you could try the
experimental .deb I built at
If you do want to try it: I noted in the check-in comment that you have
to move the nickle directory to "nickle-(version)" before the packaging
tools will know how to work with it. Now I discover that's not true;
it's only dh_make that cares, and I only had to run that once. grrr.
So, you can type (as non-root):
cd nickle
fakeroot debian/rules binary
...and you should get a package.
Side note: I've seen t-shirts which say only "debian/rules". Nifty.
I haven't quite decided how to handle the ChangeLog and COPYING files;
I want this to behave like a native Debian package, but that requires
moving those files to debian/changelog and debian/copyright,
respectively, and imposing a Debian-specific machine-readable format on
the changelog. For now I copy COPYING to debian/copyright long enough to
build the package, and ignore ChangeLog.
Suggestions for the Right Thing are welcome.
Now to look at adding a networking namespace, I guess...
Jamey Sharp <sharp.one@bigfoot.com> - http://jamey.is.dreaming.org/