[Nickle]ICFP programming contest

Barton C Massey bart@cs.pdx.edu
Wed, 25 Jul 2001 10:33:29 -0700

If the task turns out to be appropriate, I'm going to enter
the ICFP programming contest using Nickle: anyone care to
join my team?  Send me e-mail: also indicate whether you'd
prefer lightning division (my preference) or the long version.

	Bart Massey

------- Forwarded Message

To: icfpcontest@pauillac.inria.fr
Subject: [icfpcontest] Reminder: ICFP programming contests starts in 24 hours

Hello all,

This is just to remind you that the ICFP programming contest will
start in 24 hours exactly, at 15:00 UTC tomorrow.

contest home page:


Task description (will be posted tomorrow):

Submission procedure (NEW):

Good luck to everyone,

 -- Damien

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