Snekboard v0.2 Update

I've built six prototypes of snekboard version 0.2. They're working great and I'm happy with the design.

New Motor Driver

Having discovered that the TI DRV8838 wasn't up to driving the Lego Power Functions Medium motor (8883) because of it's start-up current draw, I went back and reworked the snekboard circuit to use TI DRV8800 instead. That controller can provide up to 2.8A and doesn't have any trouble with this motor.

The DRV8800 is larger than the DRV8838, so it took a bit of re-wiring to fit them on the circuit board.

New Power Source Selector

In version 0.1, I was using two DFLS130L Schottky diodes to automatically select between the on-board lithium polymer battery and USB to power the board. That "worked", except that there was enough leakage back through them that when the USB connector was unplugged, the battery charge indicator LEDs both lit up, which left me with the choice of disabling those indicators or draining the battery.

To fix that, I found an automatic power selector (with current limit!) part, the TPS2121. This should avoid frying the board when you short the motor controller outputs, although those also have current limiting circuits. Defense in depth!

One issue I found was that this circuit draws current even when the output is disconnected, so I changed the power switch from a SPST to DPST and now control USB and battery power separately.


I included a W25Q16 2MB NOR flash chip on the board so that it could also run CircuitPython. Before finalizing the design, I thought it might be a good idea to actually get that running.

I've submitted a pull request with the necessary changes. I hope to see that merged at some point, which will allow users to select between CircuitPython and snek.

Smoothing Speed Changes

While the 9V supply on snekboard is designed to supply plenty of current for the motors, if you ask it to suddenly change how much it is producing, it places a huge load on the battery. When this happens, the battery voltage drops below the brown-out value for the SoC and the board resets.

I experimented with how to resolve this by ramping the power up and down in the snek application. That worked great; the motors could easily switch from full speed in one direction to full speed in the other direction.

Instead of having users add code to every snek application, I decided to move this functionality down into the snek implementation. I did this by modifying the PWM and direction pins values in a function called from the timer interrupt. This lets the application continue to run at full speed, while the motor controller slowly adjusts its output. No more resets when switching from full forward to full reverse.

Future Plans

I've got the six v0.2 prototypes that I'll be able to use in for the upcoming class year, but I'm unsure of whether there would be enough interest in the broader community to have more of them made. Let me know if you'd be interested in purchasing snekboards; if I get enough responses, I'll look at running them through Crowd Supply or similar.