Version 1.6.1 includes support for our updated TeleBT v3.0 product and bug fixes in in the flight software for all our boards and ground station interfaces.


AltOS New Features:

  • Add support for TeleBT v3.0 boards.

  • Add support for uncompressed APRS data, providing support for older APRS receivers. Uncompressed APRS data is less precise, takes more bandwidth and doesn’t have integrated altitude data.

AltOS Fixes:

  • Make TeleDongle and TeleBT more tolerant of data rate variations from transmitting devices.

AltosUI and TeleGPS Applications

AltosUI and TeleGPS New Features:

  • Add map to Monitor Idle display. It’s nice to be able to verify that maps are working, instead of needing to use Monitor Flight.

AltosUI and TeleGPS Fixes:

  • Fix frequency configuration to round values instead of truncate them, avoiding a common 1kHz error in the setting.

  • Turn the Windows stub into a more useful program that can launch the application with parameters so that file manager icons work more reliably.

  • Force KML export to use a C locale so that numbers are formatted with '.' instead of ',' for a decimal separator in non-US locales.

  • Preload map tiles based on distance rather than number of tiles; this means you get the same resolution covering the entire area, rather than having high resolution near the center and low resolution further away.

  • Allow configuration of frequency and callsign in Monitor Idle mode.

  • Fix layout weirdness when resizing windows on Windows. Windows shouldn’t have giant blank spaces around the useful content anymore.

  • Fix layout weirdness when resizing windows on Windows. Windows shouldn’t have giant blank spaces around the useful content anymore.

  • Use a longer filter for descent speed values. This should provide something more useful on the display, although it will take longer to respond to changes now.

  • Make Replay Flight run in realtime again. It had been set to run at 10x speed by mistake.


AltosDroid New Features:

  • Add offline map support using mapping code from AltosUI.

  • Support TeleDongle (and TeleBT via USB) on devices supporting USB On-The-Go.

  • Display additional TeleMega pyro channel status in Pad tab.

  • Switch between metric and imperial units.

  • Monitor TeleBT battery voltage.

  • Track multiple devices at the same time, selecting between them with a menu or using the map.

  • Add hybrid, satellite and terrain map types.

AltosDroid Fixes:

  • Use standard Android display conventions so that a menu button is available in the application title bar.

  • Adjust layout to work on large and small screens; shrinking the go/no-go lights in smaller environments to try and make everything visible.

  • Make voice announcements depend on current tab.

  • Compute adjustment to current travel direction while in motion towards rocket.