[Calypso] The patches from chrysn, rebased to latest master

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Wed Jan 27 15:28:19 PST 2016

[Guido Günther]
> Let's not merge code that nobody knows what exactly it does. Go patch
> by patch with review, testing with common clients.

OK.  I'll continue, but would love some help. :)

Note, when I tested the rebased branch, I noticed a few minor issues,
and have pushed a few patches to it fixing these.  When merging, it is
perhaps better to merge my fix into the originally broken patch instead
instead of using two commits.  It make rebasing the remaining patches
harder, but make it easier to understand the code in the master branch.

I'll see what I end up doing, when the number of remaining commits is
lower. :)
Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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